Thursday, September 25, 2008

How to screw up your life, Part I

A while back, Maurice Simmons would have seemed to have had the world by the tail. A highly recruited linebacker at Compton Dominguez High near L.A., he was given a scholarship to football power USC, following the path of his brother, who played for the Trojans in 2002-03.

So why did Simmons help Lamont Lee Hall rob a man at gunpoint on a Compton street? Considering the widespread gang influence in Compton, perhaps before heading off to school he was trying to “keep it real.”

Wednesday, a Compton judge demonstrated another way to “keep it real,” sentencing Simmons — convicted of felony robbery, assault with a firearm and the misdemeanor of allowing someone to bring a gun into his car — to four years in prison. His buddy, the one who pointed the gun, got 12.

Simmons’ attorney described the young man as “stunned.” After all, a probation officer had recommended probation Simmons, citing his football potential. Note that — not citing his work in or his value to the community, not citing his remorse or desire to try to make it right with the victim. Citing his football potential.,0,3673415.story

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