Tuesday, September 30, 2008

His Chief complaint

Poor Tony Gonzales.

As the game wound down Sunday in Arrowhead Stadium, the Chiefs star was only three yards short of setting the all-time receiving mark for a tight end, and his mean coaches wouldn’t call for a pass.

Why? Something about trying to win the game.

Seems as though the Chiefs had the lead and the ball and didn’t want to take a chance on an interception. How selfish can coaches get?

"I had my family out there. I wanted to do it in front of the fans, in a home game," Gonzalez said. "It would have been a great way to do it. I'm disappointed …”

Now, poor Tony will have to break the record on the road — not in front of his family and his adoring fans. Does his life suck or what?

Gonzales was so upset after the Chiefs beat the Broncos, he didn’t talk to the press, which must have been terribly disappointing to the ink-stained wretches. Monday he left a meeting with coach Herman Edwards still in a fit of pique.

Cheer up, Tony. There is still a way for you to hear the fans’ roar when you break the big record: Drop everything thrown your way this Sunday at Carolina, and wait for the Chiefs’ next game, which is at home. Of course, dropping passes would probably ensure a KC defeat against the Panthers, but what’s a loss for the team compared to your personal glory, anyway?


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