Thursday, September 25, 2008

Here's a move Astaire never made

A Google search of the words “dancing” and “romantic” will bring up a Web site with this sentence: “With the dance craze sweeping the nation, learn how dancing can improve your romantic relationships.”

Perhaps that’s what DeAngelo Wilkinson was trying to do last month at an Old Town bar in Fort Collins, Colo.

Wilkinson, 20, a cornerback for Colorado State, was dancing with a woman, when, according to milady, Wilkinson reached down and grabbed her crotch.

The romance of that particular move eluded the woman, who yelled at Wilkinson, leading a bystander to grab him and hold him for the bar’s bouncers. When they arrived and the bystander released Wilkinson, the player reportedly took the opportunity to hit the man in the face, breaking his nose in seven places, police said.

Wilkinson has been charged with assault and the Rams have suspended him indefinitely.

If you’re wondering (and you’re probably not — at least not very hard), police say yes, Wilkinson was drunk.

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