Thursday, September 25, 2008

How to screw up your life, Part II

Thunder Collins had football potential — loads of it — when he came out of Los Angeles. He was to be the next great Cornhusker running back.

That never quite happened. Other things did:

In 2002, Collins pleaded guilty to disturbing the peace to avoid being tried for allegedly assaulting an ex-girlfriend.

In 2003, Collins was charged with assault and burglary in an incident involving an Oregon State football player and the same ex-girlfriend. Collins beat those charges in court.

In 2006, Collins pleaded no contest to obstructing an Omaha police officer in an incident in which, according to witnesses, Collins had been involved in a shooting.

Now Collins appears to have finally hit the jackpot, arrested Wednesday on a murder charge in a drug deal gone bad.

Thus, Collins — who never made it into the pantheon of Cornhusker football greats — has made it into the pantheon of Cornhusker football thugs, a grouping that includes rapist Christian Peter and serial criminal Lawrence Phillips.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go to to read the truth about Lawrence Phillips which media will not publish although they have received this information over and over.

Media spoke with Phillips’ attorney on the day of sentencing but refused to print anything she said-rather they deceptively said she did not return telephone calls!

Notice that statements of (alleged) victims are never quoted. Flores’ statement during Phillips’ sentencing was that his “leg was hurt during the ACCIDENT”! Selective hype comes from certain individuals of the media, judicial system, law enforcement–people who care nothing about alleged victims other than to use them for their own agenda!!!

Regularly read the website above to keep up with appeals which will reveal the cover-ups and deception that prosecutors and judges have gotten away with so far. In the end, they will be exposed. .

Time will tell it all and California Supreme Court has opened up the process!!! Get to the website for details.