Thursday, September 4, 2008

And Nixon wasn't a crook

In Detroit, the Lions cut Tatum Bell and signed Rudi Johnson, and the incoming running back and the outgoing running back passed each other in the locker room Monday. No big deal; happens all the time.

What isn’t so frequent is the outgoing player stealing the bags of the incoming player.
That’s what Johnson alleges happened while he was meeting with the Lions brass, and a surveillance tape backs him up.

Taken were two Gucci bags, Johnson’s identification, credit cards, about $200 in cash and some undergarments.

Bell admits taking the bags but says it’s all a misunderstanding, that he was asked to pick up a backpack by a former teammate, Victor DeGrate, and took Johnson’s property by mistake.

Eventually the bags were returned by an unnamed woman, without the ID, credit cards, cash — and underwear.

Bell insists he's not a thief. Johnson isn't buying it.

Said Johnson: "If anybody's got some Perry Ellis boxers for sale, you know where they came from."

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