Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Celling out?

First, there was a report from Bob McGinn of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that a Green Bay source was saying Brett Favre not only made repeated calls to Minnesota offensive coordinator Darrell Bevell and head coach Brad Childress, but did so on a cell phone issued to him by the Packers.

If that were true, it would mean the Packers would receive the phone bills for Favre's calls, and would know precisely whom and when he reached out to touch someone — someone, say, from a Central Division rival.

And if that were true, of course, it would also mean:

1) Brett Favre is dumb as a box of rocks.

2) Brad Childress is as dumb as Brett Favre.

3) The Packers’ tampering charge against the Vikings is a slam dunk.

Now, however, The Green Bay Press-Gazette is reporting a Favre source is insisting the quarterback does NOT have a Packer-issued cell phone. "One hundred percent, without a doubt ..." the source said.

Ah, what to believe? For now, we can believe this: The NFL security staff visited the Vikings' facility Tuesday to investigate the tampering charge. And we can believe this: In a story this high-profile, eventually, truth will out.

Links: Story about McGinn's report:

Green Bay Press-Gazette story:

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