Friday, July 25, 2008

But sometimes they have a point

The cry of being “disrespected” by athletes making more money in a few months than most of us will in a lifetime gets real old real fast. On the other hand, it’s amazing how some teams can treat a player who just days ago was part of its “family.”

Take Marcus Camby.

Camby, a 34-year-old veteran, was about the only Denver Nugget who actually worked when his team didn’t have the ball. For reasons having largely to do with salary, the defensive specialist was suddenly traded to the L.A. Clippers — essentially for a ham sandwich.

Though it miffed Camby, that’s OK; they can trade whom they want for whatever they want. What’s not OK is the Nuggets not having the common decency to tell Camby themselves.

"Nobody called, nobody said anything," Camby said when he was introduced as a Cliipper. "The day before I was told, I was with plenty of team people who could have given me a heads-up. I found out when my agent called me."

And at that press conference, Camby said he still hadn’t heard from anyone from the Nuggets’ front office or coaching staff.

Which is not only classless but stupid. Why piss off a pretty good player you’re going to have to face several times a season? I don't get it.,0,1145333.column

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