Wednesday, July 23, 2008

"Accepting responsibility"

In January, in her first interview since being sentenced to six months in prison for check fraud and lying to federal officers about her steroid use, Marion Jones told Oprah Winfrey she accepted responsibility for her actions.

In March, she entered prison.

Four months later, she’s asking President Bush to commute her sentence.

Which seems about right for someone who has been lying to people for years.

Doug Logan, the new chief executive of USA Track & Field, wrote a letter to Bush, asking him to not pardon Jones. Noted Logan:
“When she came under scrutiny for doping, she taunted any who doubted her purity, talent and worth ethic. Just as she had succeeded in duping us with her performances, she duped many people into giving her the benefit of the doubt.”

Here’s guessing she won’t be getting one from the Oval Office.

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