Friday, July 18, 2008

Just what an NBA star needs — more adulation

When Gilbert Arenas recently went to the basketball-crazy Philippines to push Adidas shoes, he was treated like a rock star.

Actually he was treated like conquering hero.

Actually he was treated better.

This from "The New York Times":

"When he landed at Ninoy Aquino International Airport, Arenas was met by a horde of television and newspaper videographers and photographers who followed him throughout his three days in Manila. Arenas said that he was so taken aback by the size and opulence of his presidential suite at the Peninsula Manila Hotel that he took pictures to prove he stayed there.

"To visit Adidas stores, he traveled in a motorcade of dark sport utility vehicles with an escort of three police motorcycles. Before he arrived at each site, bomb-sniffing dogs swept the areas, and brawny Adidas-clad security guards wearing Secret Service-style earpieces set up barricades to corral the fans who had crowded mall walkways to catch a glimpse of him."

The best quote in the story came from Arenas: “They make you feel like you’re a god. When my N.B.A. career is done, I have to play here one year just to feel that.”

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