Friday, July 4, 2008

Perhaps more to the point ...

Defense attorney James O. Broccoletti, unfortunate enough to have Tim Montgomery as a client, tried to put the best spin possible on the former track star's July 2 guilty plea to heroin distribution.

According to the Associated Press acount, "Broccoletti said outside court that Montgomery has had time to reflect since he was sentenced in the check-cashing scheme and decided to take responsibility for his actions."

Um ... yes ... but there was also the little matter of the audio and videotapes that showed Montgomery selling a confidential informant 111 grams of the drug over four meetings. According to the AP, Montgomery's lawyer said the tapes "also played a role in the plea."

You think?

Still trying his best, Broccoletti said, "Tim is optimistic and he wants to proceed and get back on track." Maybe his optimism explains why Montomery, while signing the plea deal, was smiling and laughing. Or maybe Montgomery, a liar, a steroid cheat, already a felon for his role in a check-kiting scheme, remains clueless.

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