Thursday, July 1, 2010

Stupid is as stupid does

You’re Joshua Shirley, Shaquille Richardson or Paul Richardson. You’ve all won scholarships to play football at UCLA. You’re in summer school, ready to enroll for the fall quarter. You literally have the opportunity of a lifetime before you.

So you …

Reach into the dormitory locker of a fellow student and take her backpack, stealing contents worth $1,200?

Smooth move.

Now the three have been dismissed from the team, though head weasel — I mean head coach — Rick Neuheisel said the trio may be able to earn their way back to his team. I’m guessing if the three are truly talented — I mean remorseful — Slick Rick will have their services before long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

$1200 in a college student's locker/backpack? There's more to this story than a naughty athlete.