Thursday, July 15, 2010

Now, THAT'S teamwork

Something bad happened at a Knoxville bar in the early-morning hours last Friday. While the details aren’t clear and an investigation is ongoing, it does seem that a group of University of Tennessee football players were involved in a beating that sent two men to the hospital.

One of the men was Robert Capouellez, an off-duty police officer who was trying to break up the melee. He was knocked unconscious. The bar owner said he saw one of the football players kick at Capouellez after he was already lying on the ground unconscious.


The other man, Gary Russell, said he also was both punched and kicked.

"If not for my friends jumping in, I would be dead or brain-dead," Russell told "It was obvious that they weren't going to stop."

"One of them was holding my head up, and they were punching me in my face while I was on the ground and stomping on my chest," Russell said.

Ah, teamwork.

Head coach Derek Dooley said, in part, "I am disappointed and in many ways embarrassed by the poor judgment displayed on many fronts by several members of our football team last night."

Poor judgment? He’s disappointed in their poor judgment?

Gee, Coach, that’s harsh.

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