Thursday, July 1, 2010

Oops … he did it again?

It appears that Michael Vick might have been less than forthcoming in a statement to authorities.

If true, this would surprise us … why?

Vick — I don’t really have to go into his history, do I? — said through his lawyer that he was “long gone” from the Virginia Beach, Fla., restaurant that hosted his 30th birthday bash by the time someone was shot nearby.

That someone has been identified as Quanis Phillips, a co-defendant in the dogfighting case that resulted in Vick being a guest of the feds for 18 months — and someone Vick was supposed to not have any contact with as a condition of his parole.

Vick lawyer Larry Woodward said Vick departed between 10 and 20 minutes before the gunshots rang out, but a partner of the restaurant says a video surveillance tape shows Vick leaving just three minutes before shots were fired — and he was heading in the direction of where the shooting took place.

And yes, the partner has turned the evidence over to the police.

Responded Woodward: I stand by what I said, that Michael was long gone before the shooting, does not know who did the shooting and had nothing to do with the shooting," Woodward said Tuesday. "Anyone who says any different better be very careful."

Gee, counselor, that sounds awfully like a threat. But may I suggest — every so respectfully — that Vick has a history of uh … prevarication under stress. And he’s the one I think who ought to be careful. He’s still on parole, remember? And the last time I looked, courts and their authorities don’t liked to be lied to.

Oh, and neither does the NFL commissioner. Your client just might remember what happened the last time he was less than truthful to Roger Goodell.

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