Thursday, December 25, 2008

Better save that suitcase for your lawyers ...

Ah, Plaxico, Plaxico …

It’s not surprising that someone who carried an unregistered gun into a New York nightclub might have another one or two weapons lying around his house.

In the case of Plaxico Burress, it was two — a 9-mm handgun and a rifle — along with ammunition for three other guns that were found when police recently raided his home.

As of Thursday, police had not determined whether these — unlike the Glock pistol with which he shot himself in the thigh at the Latin Quarter — were legally possessed or not.

Burress, it seems, has difficulties with rules; to him, they simply don’t apply. Witness the other little legal scrape Burress finds himself in — being the target of a civil suit for rear-ending a woman in Florida.

With a price tag of $140,000, Burress’ Mercedes-Benz most likely had every little accessory a modern-day jock-hero could possible need — except a piece of paper showing valid proof of insurance. It seems our star’s insurance had run out three days before the accident — he had neglected to pay the premiums.

Not that he didn’t have the money; in fact, in their raid of Burress’ home, police a suitcase full of cash — the perfect accessory for one’s next get-a-way weekend.

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