Wednesday, December 10, 2008

An Indian Obama?

I’m all for ethnic pride. And if Native Americans are proud to claim Oklahoma quarterback Sam Bradford as one of their own, they could do worse, inspiration-wise.

Bradford is accomplished on the field and off, sporting a 3.95 GPA to go along with 48 touchdown passes. He’s also a class act, as you might suspect from the following quote:

"God has blessed me with a great platform. If I can use that in a positive way and be a role model for younger kids, set a good example for them, I think it's a really good thing."

According to USA Today, Bradford is “four generations from the last full-blooded Native American in his family, and his suburban rearing came with little exposure to American Indian culture,” yet he is a registered Cherokee. As a result, he’s brought excitement and hope to Indian tribes of western Oklahoma specifically and to Native Americans generally.

"It opens everything up for us," said one Native American high-school football player. “Like Obama becoming President."

I don’t think I’d go that far — even understanding the importance of college football in America. Now, maybe if Bradford becomes an NFL star …

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