Thursday, December 18, 2008

There's more under the Sampson rock

Ah, Indiana.

The list of bad things that happened on Kelvin Sampson’s watch just got longer.

According to Los Angeles Clipper rookie Eric Gordon, drug use helped tear apart last year’s Hoosiers basketball team.

Gordon said that then-coach Sampson tried to stop the drug use, but "was just so focused on basketball and winning and everything."

Everything probably being charges that Sampson had repeatedly violated NCAA recruiting rules, charges that proved accurate, leading to Sampson being paid three-quarters of a million dollars to go away, Indiana being slapped with three years probation, and the program going into absolute free-fall.

The IU Athletics Code of Conduct allows university officials to drug-test at any time. But, remember, Sampson "was just so focused on basketball and winning and everything."

High school basketball coach Doug Mitchell, who had three former players at Indiana last season, including Gordon, told the Indianapolis Star that the situation was “a mess.”

"I'm extremely disappointed in what appears to have been the lack of monitoring and supervision of the players' behaviors," he said.

Sampson landed on his feet, getting an assistant’s gig with Milwaukee in the NBA. The Hoosiers, on the other hand, landed ... actually, as Gordon's comments demonstrate, they're still in free-fall.

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