Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ah, those frisky freshmen …

A couple of freshmen are making Kansas University and the University of Iowa awfully proud.

Markief Morris, an 18-year-old Jawhawk basketball player (he's the one at right with the stubble), decided it would be fun a fire BBs into a university dorm courtyard. It seemed less amusing to the 47-year-old woman hit by the BBs.

To atone for his misdeed, Morris, who had been charged with battery, has agreed to perform 20 hours of community service.

Shooting BBs into a courtyard seems like a rather juvenile thing to do, juvenile and potentially dangerous, but it’s OK, folks, because …

"I've learned a lesson from this, and I apologize for any embarrassment this caused KU and the basketball program,” Morris said in a statement released (and probably written) by the school. “I'm going to do my community service so I can conclude this matter and concentrate on academics and the rest of the basketball season.”

“We’ve talked about this a lot,” said Kansas coach Bill Self. “And I’ve told Markieff and our guys that obviously they have to make better decisions and be much wiser in their judgment.”

Speaking of making better decisions, Iowa freshman Anthony Tucker (above right) also might want to consider taking that tack. Tucker recently was found out passed out in a freezing alley with a breath-alcohol level of .194. The blood-alcohol limit to be considered legally drunk in Iowa is .08.

Tucker was so wasted that police officers called to the scene were unable to wake him. He was taken to the hospital, where he was treated and released.

Another incident like this and Tucker might be looking at another release — from the basketball program. As it is, Tucker has been suspended indefinitely by Iowa coach Todd Lickliter.


Anonymous said...

Anthony Tucker should stop consuming alcohol because it is bad for his health. Considering the fact that he is still very young and needs to take care of his body. Furthermore, minors aren't allowed to drink liquor, and it is forbidden by the law. He must make a wise decision in avoiding alcohol, if he wants to have a bright future ahead.

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