Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Let's hear it for private initiative

Seven members of the Russian track and field team are accused of tampering with their urine samples, and the head of the International Olympic Committee says, sadly, that it appears that “systematic doping” is still going on.

Do tell.

"I think it is just frustrating to find that such type of cheating — planned cheating — is still going on," Arne Ljungqvist said Tuesday. "That's very disappointing to find."

Arne, just wait till you get a good look at the Chinese.

But we’re with you Arne; Americans prefer individual doping, not this state-sponsored crap. It’s a freedom-of-expression thing with us and is — if I’m not greatly mistaken — protected by the First, Fourth and Fifth amendments to our Constitution and probably several others I’m only vaguely aware of …


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