Thursday, August 21, 2008

'Uh, Coach, I'll be a little late in reporting ...'

You’re a 7-foot high-school hoops star from Minnesota. You’ve been given a scholarship to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo on the beautiful California coast, but you’ve got a few days to kill before to leave for your free education. So you:

a) hit the books

b) practice your low-post moves

c) try to knock over a bank

If you said “c,” you understand the mind of 18-year-old Anthony DiLoreto, who on Aug. 15 allegedly was idling outside a bank in Danbury, Wis., ready to drive a getaway car for 16-year-old buddy, when he heard the sirens of police responding to a nearby accident.

DiLoreto sped off, leaving his alleged accomplice to flee on foot and, yes, the 16-year-old was caught and, yes, he ratted on the tall fellow who left him high and dry. Now, DiLoreto faces charges of being a party to an armed robbery and being in possession of a short-barrel shotgun.

As a player, DiLoreto is considered a late-bloomer, and someone who could use some more muscle. The good news is that if convicted, DiLoreto could face a multiyear sentence, which means plenty of time to hit the weights in the prison gym.

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