Saturday, August 2, 2008

Regg-ie, Regg-ie, Regg-ie ...

Bad news for Reggie Bush.

His attorneys asked to settle a lawsuit against him through arbitration — confidential arbitration.

A judge in San Diego said nay, and the NCAA said yay! as its investigators are hoping to learn through the legal process if Bush did indeed — as wanna-be marketer Lloyd Lake alleges — get all sorts of illicit goodies while playing tailback for Southern Cal.

Bush has denied rule breaking, but at the same time has been less than cooperative with the NCAA and less than anxious to be deposed under oath, where that little thing called perjury hangs over one’s head.

If Bush is guilty — and five will get you 10 he is — he’s already falling into a familiar pattern: First, you do something scummy; then you lie to the press about it; then — and this is the next big step for him — you lie to a court or the feds about it.

Then you get indicted (see Barry Bonds, Marion Jones, Scooter Libby, among others).

Expect Bush’s lawyers — if they’ve got any brains — to move heaven and earth to avoid the depositions, which for Bush is scheduled for Sept. 9.

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