Thursday, August 14, 2008

Me — glorious me

Generation Y has the reputation, correctly or not, of being a bit, well, me-centered.

The book Generation Me: Why Today's Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled and More Miserable Than Ever asserts Gen Y’ers are most narcissistic than previous generations, thanks to parenting that over-emphasized the importance of child self-esteem.

It might not be true, but Gen Y’er Michelle Wie is doing nothing to fight the stereotype.

The 18-year-old Wie, who through a series of bad decisions appears in the process of damaging, if not ruining, the most God-given golf talent we've seen this side of Tiger Woods, doesn’t have a history of reacting well to criticism.

Her latest:

"Everyone has their own opinion of what I should do, but I think that it's my life. I know there might be wrong decisions that I make and there might be right decisions that I make, but they're decisions that I make for myself.

"And I think the only decision I can make is to be 100 percent supportive of myself and not doubt myself at all."

Instead of learning to win on the LPGA Tour, Win has a penchant for taking sponsor's exemptions into men's tournaments, where she's yet to make a single cut. She is now ranked No. 309 (yes, that's THREE-OH-NINE) in the world.

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