Thursday, May 19, 2011

Yes, I'm sure he's right, and yet ...

In La Belle France, a Socialist leader is also certain about something:
Former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn may have used seduction to have sex with the hotel maid accusing him of rape, “but no way would he use constraint or violence.”

No, no, of course not. Out of the question.

Still, one wonders.

After all, he was arrested on a jet, seemingly trying to get out of Dodge. And there are reports he phoned his wife to tell her he was in some trouble. Then there’s the fact that a French writer and journalist, Tristane Banon is claiming she once had to fight Strauss-Kahn off, saying she is coming forward with her story now because after his arrest, she is finally confident she’ll be heard.

France, of course, is famously relaxed about the private behavior of public figures.

"Politicians and artists enjoy a particular tolerance on this subject," wrote Nicolas Demorand, editor of the Liberation daily newspaper. "Part of the shock comes also from the unusual scene, until now unthinkable here: police arresting a top-level politician on a matter of morals."

Correction: Guilty or innocent, Strauss-Kahn wasn't arrested on a matter of morals. He was arrested on a matter of crime.

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