Thursday, May 5, 2011

A more critical question

Atlanta pitching coach Roger McDowell has been suspended for two weeks without pay for his odd, homophobic outburst recently in San Francisco.

McDowell, who has issued a public apology, also will have to apologize directly to the fans involved — Justin Quinn and his family — and complete sensitivity training. McDowell is fortunate — very fortunate — he wasn't fired. As it is, I don't believe he likely boosted his chance to have his contract renewed.

According to The Associated Press account of the incident, “Quinn said he was in the stands with his wife and 9-year-old twin daughters before the April 23 game at San Francisco when he noticed McDowell ask three men, ‘Are you guys a homo couple or a threesome?’

“Quinn said McDowell made crude sexual gestures with his hips and a bat. Quinn said he shouted, ‘Hey there are kids out here.’

“According to Quinn, McDowell said kids don't belong at a baseball park, picked up a bat, walked up to Quinn and asked him, ‘How much are your teeth worth?’

The perfect comeback to that question, of course, would have been this:

“How much is your job worth?”

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