Thursday, May 26, 2011

Well, THIS is a surprise

Recommended reading: An Associated Press story on drinking and sports. You’ll be shocked, I’m sure, to learn the two are rather closely linked.

"I hear from people who'd been going to games their entire life, they say, 'I don't go to games anymore,'" said Darin Erickson, who worked on some of the studies quoted in the story. "They tell stories about people swearing blatantly, throwing things and fights. It's not always actual assaults, but some of the people I talk to just aren't comfortable with the environment. And it seems that they're often saying it's attributable to general drunkenness."

You’ll also be shocked that pro teams, while giving lip service to closely monitoring excess drinking, largely do jack about it.


Too much money involved, not only in the sales of the booze, but in sponsorship green (think Busch Stadium, Coors Field, Miller Stadium).

The thugs who put Bryan Stow in a coma, by the way, were said to be drunk.

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