Friday, May 27, 2011

Wheels within wheels

The latest FIFA corruption scandal has increasingly interesting layers.

You not only have the organization looking at vote buying allegedly conducted by presidential candidate Mohamed bin Hammam, you have another probe into the actions of current president Sepp Blatter, who allegedly overlooked said bribes.

Why would he do that?

Well, two reasons come to mind: 1) Bribery is just business as usual for FIFA jefes and 2) if the bribes went forward, Blatter would have something he might be able to use against bin Hamman when it counted.

But, this is silly talk. Blatter's reputation is unimpeachable. Don't believe me? Well, I call Seth's main character witness, one Vladimir Putin. Yes, that Vladimir Putin, who calls allegations against Blatter "complete nonsense."

Putin was a major player in Russia's uh ... surprising ... winning of the 2018 World Cup (no money changed hands ... no money changed hands .., no money ...) and if the former KGB operator says it's nonsense, I'm sure you can, well, take it to the bank.

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