Thursday, April 28, 2011

Leaders of men

Let’s talk weasels.

Weasel No. 1 is Jim Tressel, who, in case anyone has forgotten, covered up NCAA violations by his players, in part by flat-out lying.

Then when caught, offered a lame excuse.

Then offered a lame apology.

Now that the NCAA has indicated to Ohio State that it didn’t appreciate Tressel’s prevarication and may be coming to Columbus with a hammer, The Vest is avoiding the press more than usual, recently ducking out the side door at an awards banquet and escaping into a waiting car.

(Engine running? The account I read didn't say, but I wouldn't be surprised).

With the pressure rising on OSU, athletic director Gene Smith — Weasel No. 2 — is using a familiar dodge, saying the school would have "no comments until the case is resolved."

And once the case IS resolved — especially if it’s resolved by Tressel’s firing — watch Smith try to duck questions by saying “it’s time to move forward.”

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