Thursday, April 7, 2011

Keeping his options open

Ron Artest didn't like Dallas owner Mark Cuban saying he wanted the Lakers forward to have the ball in his hands more and be forced to make decisions in the triangle offense.

"He said too much," Artest said. "We'll probably see them in the playoffs. He's a smart man. Let's see if he's right. He's got confidence in his team. I don't feel as if they can beat us."

Still, Artest said he's willing to work with the billionaire, who owns — among other things — HDNet.

"I'm going to go into his office to see if I can get a show on his network," Artest said.

Let’s see: Cuban expressed an interest doing a show with Charlie Sheen. Now Artest wants to work with Cuban. Is it possible? Sheen and Artest ... together?

That’s either can’t-miss TV or can't-watch TV. Not sure which.

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