Thursday, August 5, 2010

A cheater speaks

It still amazes me that athletes — I guess because of their celebrity status and obscene wealth — think they can utter the most amazing bullshit and have people not challenge it.

Take Reggie Bush, who says of the massive sanctions placed on the Southern California football program because of his and his family’s greed: "…nobody feels worse about it than I do."

Really, Reggie? Nobody?

I think former athletic director Mike Garrett, who lost his job over it, feels worse than you do.

I think Pete Carroll, who left the best job in college football to escape the sanctions he knew were coming, feels worse than you do.

I think all the current players who will be denied a chance to play in a bowl game the next two years and will have their team weakened by the loss of scholarships feel worse than you do.

I think all the current students and the other members of the Trojan family who live and die SC football feel worse than you do.

Other than some minor embarrassment and the odd question — which you handled with the “let’s move on” mantra straight out of The Sleazeoid Handbook, you’ve hardly been touched by the scandal. You’re still making tens of millions of dollars with the Saints, still raking in millions more in endorsement deals.

No one feels worse?

What a joke.

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