Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ah, the beauty of belief.


Jeremiah Masoli, late of the University of Oregon, has been given new life at the University of Mississippi — thanks to Rebels coach Houston Nutt and his current roster of quarterbacks, which is a mite thin.

“I am very excited about this opportunity and very thankful Ole Miss is giving me this chance,” Masoli wrote on the home page of “I really want to thank Coach Nutt for believing in me.”

Ah, that’s sweet. It’s nice to be believed in, no? But then Masoli didn’t seem to care all that much about the last coach who believed in him. That would be the Ducks’ coach Chip Kelly, who now looks like a chump for keeping Masoli in the program after he a) stole laptops and a guitar from other students; b) lied about it; c) eventually pled guilty to it.

Suspended, Masoli nonetheless was given a chance to work his way back on the active roster — for which he was so grateful he was cited for marijuana possession and two other noncriminal violations following a traffic stop.

At that point, Kelly stopped believing.

Wonder how long it will take Nutt?

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