Thursday, March 31, 2011

Silence is (Al) Golden

Ah, football coaches. God love ’em.

I sure don’t.

Such control freaks.

Take new Miami coach Al Golden, who refuses to comment on reports that six players have been suspended for the Hurricanes’ season opener against Maryland.

Asked directly about the reported suspensions, Golden said, “If players are suspended you will be notified from our office and (spokesman) Chris Freet and me as the head coach. Right now we are not discussing any matters that are internal externally."

Yes, the “we’ll handle this internally” ploy.

Unfortunately for Golden, linebacker Ramon Buchanan’s little go-round with police is a bit too large to hide under the blanket.

Buchanan, you see, is facing felony charges after allegedly spitting on and attempting to head-butt a police officer; he’s also facing three misdemeanor charges following an incident last week.

Buchanan, 21, is said to have caused a disturbance in a restaurant bathroom in the Coconut Grove section of Miami at about 1:30 a.m. Friday. According to the cops, he was told to leave three times before being placed under arrest.

When finally arrested, Buchanan allegedly said, "I'm a UM football player and I don't give a f--- what you do. I'll get out of it. F--- the police."

Golden called it all an "unfortunate misstep.”

But he did suspend Buchanan. Had to. Even told the press about it. Had to.

Must have hated that.

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