Thursday, March 31, 2011

More Tigers trouble

In an HBO special, four former Tigers admit they received thousands of bucks from boosters.

The four — Chaz Ramsey, Troy Reddick, Stanley McClover and Raven Gray — say they received cash as part of a pay-for-play scheme during their time at Auburn.

The four played for the Tigers pre-Chizik, but if any of you think the culture at Auburn has changed, well … think Cam Newton.

McClover — that's him above — said that when he was being recruited out of high school, boosters from Auburn, Michigan State and Ohio State arranged for him to get money and other inducements such as — ahem — sexual services.

McClover was set to go to Ohio State, but after receiving a wad cash from Tigers boosters, switched to Auburn. "I felt like I owed them," he said.

The NCAA already is looking into possible Auburn violations and while these four players’ admissions might be too far in the past to act upon, they’re not likely to make the NCAA ease up any on its current probe.

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