Thursday, October 15, 2009

When in doubt, blame the tutor

Some 700 pages of documents a court ordered released by Florida State on the academic fraud — freaud that might cost football coach Bobby Bowden 14 of his precious victories — reveals that university President T. K. Wetherell essentially blamed it all on a “rogue tutor” and largely gave the athletes a pass.

“The student-athletes didn’t start off with the idea of this is how I am going to cheat,” Wetherell told the N.C.A.A.’s Committee on Infractions last October. “We don’t really believe they cheated. They got inappropriate help.”

The athletes received answers to test questions and allowed tutors to type and write their papers.

If they didn’t understand that was cheating, they weren’t exactly college material in the first place. Speaking of which, one of the tutors testified that some of the athletes she worked with read at a second-grade level.

You read that right.

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