Thursday, October 29, 2009

When Are They Going to Learn Dept.

Two more examples this week of TUI — tweeting under the influence. How else to explain:

1) UCLA freshman receiver Randall Carroll not only complaining about Bruins offensive coordinator Norm Chow but referring to him with a racial slur?

2) Kansas City Chiefs running back Larry Johnson not only belittling head coach Todd Haley but using a gay slur?

It’s unclear whether Carroll will be disciplined, though he already has been suspended once this year for a violation of team rules. But Johnson has been suspended for his tweet, and the suspension will cost him about $600,000.

Yes — $600,000.

In the past few months, TUI or TWT — tweeting without thinking — has gotten a number of athletes in trouble. Perhaps Johnson and Carroll just weren’t paying attention.

Johnson, who followed his ill-advised tweet by using the slur again while talking to reporters, has a history of doing dumb things. Carroll has a way to go to match him, but he’s off to a promising start.

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