Thursday, July 16, 2009

You play, you pay

Fooling around — yes, in that sense — is getting a lot of bad publicity these days.

First, Egyptian soccer players reportedly are robbed blind by a group of hookers they bring back to their hotel.

Then, 36-year-old Steve McNair is killed by a 20-year-old girlfriend.

Now, there’s a story in the British press that a soccer groupie has told several Premier League players she slept with that she has tested positive for HIV.

The story, which claims the six unnamed soccer stars play for three different clubs, quotes a source as saying, “All of them are beside themselves with worry … (but) none of them have let their families know yet because they don't want to worry them.”

Wow — that is soooooo considerate. That’s probably why the groupie was attracted to them in the first place.

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