Thursday, July 16, 2009

This is really, really weird

Ah, poor Jeremy Mayfield — is the world out to get him or what?

First, NASCAR — for reasons it known only to its villainous leaders — cooks up, if you will, a story that Mayfield tested positive for meth.

Then, after a judge overturns NASCAR’s indefinite of the innocent driver, NASCAR claims Mayfield tests positive AGAIN for meth.

And if that isn’t enough, NASCAR somehow convinces Mayfield’s stepmother to swear in an affidavit that she witnessed Mayfield use meth roughly 30 times over the years.

Mayfield’s response?

“Now they got this lying [expletive] to tell lies about me, someone I am embarrassed even uses the Mayfield name. She's tried everything she can do to get money out of me. I won't help her, so I guess she found a way to get money from NASCAR by giving them an affidavit full of lies.”

Then it comes out that Mayfield is accusing his stepmother of killing his father, who died by a gunshot wound determined by the cops to be self-inflicted.


So, there’s obviously bad blood between Mayfield and the stepmom. But to believe Mayfield’s story is to believe not only that she lied under oath but also that NASCAR's bosses manufactured the positive drug tests.

That seems a teensy bit unlikely.

Unless. of course, they're the ones on meth.

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