Thursday, July 23, 2009

This just in …


ESPN finally has decided that a woman’s civil lawsuit claiming Pittsburgh Steelers star quarterback Ben Roethlisberger raped her is worth reporting.

That shouldn’t be a difficult decision, but ESPN was mum on the suit for days — even after it was reported on by no less than The New York Times, among other major media.

ESPN cited the fact that no criminal charges had been filed — not even a complaint made — as its reason for not reporting the story, but others have wondered if ESPN’s cozy relationship with the NFL didn’t play a role in the Worldwide Leader’s reluctance.

We’ll see in coming months if the suit has any merit but it’s filing clearly deserves reporting.

)Just last month, ESPN reported on the intent of a woman to file a civil lawsuit against Los Angeles Lakers guard Shannon Brown on sex-related charges.)

As for Roethlisberger, he’s reversed field by deciding to make a public statement about the case — today at noon. He will, however, not be taking questions. In the coming weeks as NFL camps open, he’ll be getting them, just the same.

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