Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Statesman of the year

When it comes to seeking votes, elected officials have no shame. (Actually, when it comes to anything, they have no shame.)

The latest to embarrass himself is Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl, who in advance of Sunday’s AFC title game between the Steelers and the Baltimore Ravens, said he’s changing his name to Steelerstahl.

Wednesday, the mayor began — but did not complete — an official name change petition.

Not only is it a pathetic stunt, it’s not even his idea. It was the brainchild of that hotbed of intellectual activity — morning talk radio.

"As soon as I heard it,” the mayor said, “I thought it was a great idea."

Two thoughts: 1) Is it possible that such obvious pandering could actually help the mayor win his 2010 election? 2) If it does, Pittsburgh voters will be getting what they deserve.

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