Thursday, January 27, 2011

Speaking of teaching one’s children …

I give you one Michael Todd Forrest, who apparently became upset with his son’s high school hoops coach in North Stanley, N.C. The nature of the unhappiness is unknown, though in these types of cases it often has to do with the son’s playing time.

In any case, Mr. Forrest apparently expressed his displeasure with Bobby Staley by attacking the coach as he was putting equipment away following a game.

Mr. Forrest also apparently involved his son in the fracas, which is not the sort of father-son bonding activity one would hope to see.

Unfortunately for Mr. Forrest and his son, the — uh, alleged — assault happened in front of a police officer.

Mr. Forrest has been arrested; the fate of his son, Logan, 17, is up in the air. Undoubtedly, though, he’s benefited by the paternal example.

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