Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's really quite simple


Oregon’s attorney general is nosing into the sweet parachute given departing University of Oregon athletic director Mike Bellotti.

The AG is curious why Bellotti is getting $2.3 million for leaving his job to become an analyst for ESPN.

Like Oregon NEEDS a reason besides the obvious: Bellotti was a successful football coach for the Ducks. Successful D-1 football coaches get any damned thing they want — even when they move on, as they often do, to a cushy A.D. job, and even when they move on from there.

You think I’m kidding? Check out the resignation agreement, which says, "In recognition of his many contributions, UO wishes to assist Bellotti in seeking a transition to other employment opportunities currently available to him."

Why is he getting that money? He was a successful football coach, dammit.

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