Thursday, March 25, 2010

How’s that stress-reduction plan working out, Urban?

When last we noticed Florida football coach Urban Meyer, he was lying about how to got to a hospital and about what he was treated for, deciding to quit the game for health reasons, then deciding he didn’t need to quit, after all — just take it a little easier, reduce stress on the ol' ticker.

This week Meyer went on a rampage that couldn’t have made his doctors happy, lighting into Orlando Sentinel reporter Jeremy Fowler for having the temerity to write something one of Meyer’s players said — namely, that new quarterback John Brantley might be a better fit for the Gators receivers than the departed Tim Tebow. The idea is that Brantley is a traditional pocket passer and relies on timing whereas Tebow’s penchant to scramble made it difficult for wideouts to know whether they should continue their routes or peel back to block.

"You'll be out of practice — you understand that? — if you do that again," Meyer yelled at Fowler. “I told you five years ago: Don't mess with our players. Don't do it. You did it. You do it one more time and the Orlando Sentinel’s not welcome here ever again. Is that clear? It's yes or no.”

Meyer also told Fowler, “You're a bad guy, man. You're a bad guy,” Meyer said. If that was my son, we'd be going at it right now.”

From where I’m sitting, Urban, you’re the bad guy. You’re a liar and a control freak and a bully.

But, then, you are a D-1 football coach ...

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