Thursday, December 3, 2009

Not using his head

Tuesday’s apology or no, I doubt Hines Ward is still on Ben Roethlisberger’s best-buddy list after publicly questioning why the quarterback didn’t play in the Steelers’ 20-17 loss to Baltimore.

Roethlisberger only had suffered a concussion the Sunday before and had experienced exercise-induced headaches the week before the game. What’s the big deal?

After the game, Ward told an interview that the Steelers players were split 50-50 on whether Roethlisberger should have played. He also said he himself had lied to doctors and played with concussions, adding that, “these games, you don’t get back.”

Hines, you know what also you don’t get back once it’s gone? Your brain.

At one point in the interview, Ward boasted, “I’m a competitor.”

If this is how you really think, Hines, you’re also a fool. So be a fool with your own brain, and leave your teammates’ brains — and futures — to them.

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