Thursday, November 5, 2009

What kind of **** is this?


Joe Girardi, on his way home after guiding the Yankees to their 27th World Series win, stops and aids an accident victim who lost control of her car and crashed into a wall at 2:25 a.m.

Good for him. Really — good for him.

But can we stop the canonization process?

"The guy wins the World Series, what does he do? He stops to help," gushed Westchester County police officer Kathleen Cristiano, who was among the first to arrive at the accident scene. "It was totally surreal."

Cristiano was at a nearby DWI checkpoint when she got the accident call.

"He was jumping up and down, trying to flag me down," she said. "You don't expect him standing by a car accident trying to help."

Ummm … why not?

"The driver didn't know it was him until after I told her," Cristiano said.


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