Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hey, Ari: Spin this ...

Ari Fleischer probably thinks he’s got it easy.

After all, Fleischer served as top flack to an unpopular president engaged in two wars. Now all he’s asked to do is defend the Bowl Championship Series.


Yes, Fleischer has been hired to say nice things about the BCS, a rigged system that rewards the big-money conferences at the expense of smaller ones and prevents a true national championship from being determined.

Good luck with that.

Ari, you thought the far-left and the mainstream media were tough on your last client? Wait till you try to appease college football fans whose undefeated team was denied a chance to play for No. 1 …

1 comment:

T.Church said...

Geez... I can't decide which one would be harder to defend... GW's foreign policy or the BSC.

Well written, Anti-fan... I'll be paying attention to this.