Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ready for college? Heck, ready for life

A lot of prep athletes moving on to college have problems with maturity and judgment. That won’t be a case with one Kaleb Eulls, a Yazoo County (Mississippi) High School football player.

Eulls and three sisters were on a school bus Tuesday when a 14-year-old girl brought out a .380 semi-automatic handgun and began threatening to shoot.

While in fear of his life and the lives of his sisters, Eulls did four things perfectly.

First, he talked to the girl and tried to calm her down; as he did that, he opened the back emergency door and helped as many students out as he could. Then, when the girl — getting louder and louder — looked out the window for a moment, Eulls sprang forward and knocked the gun out of her hand.

Finally, he scooped the gun off the floor, ran out of the back of the bus and disarmed it.

Eulls is headed to Mississippi State, which means the Rebels will have at least one young recruit whose maturity level they won’t have to worry about.

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