Thursday, September 10, 2009

Friday column: More than one punch thrown

Boise State’s Byron Houk has been around football for a while and should know better than to tap a losing player on the shoulder after a game and taunt him to his face. Broncos coach Chris Peterson was right to get in the linebacker’s grill for his actions eight days ago, and right to discipline Houk. Still, it’s worth remembering Houk is 21.

Oregon’s LeGarrette Blount has been around football for a while and should know better than to punch an opposing player, regardless of the provocation. Ducks coach Chip Kelly was right to suspend the running back. Still, it’s worth remembering that Blount is 22.

Looking considerably older are the yahoos in the Bronco Stadium stands who helped incite Blount’s actions in the moments following the punch, when Blount had to be first restrained, then wrestled into the safety of the locker room.

From the YouTube video “Boise State Fan Hits LeGarrette Blount,” you can see Blount moving toward the locker room, looking composed. Then you see a Broncos fan moving though a row to get closer to Blount.

Finally positioned near the athlete, the fan screams an obscenity and points at Blount, which sends the newly agitated Blount away from the fan, who follows Blount’s movements — through still from the safety of the stands. As Blount, now being restrained, sees a different fan lift a chair as if to hit him with it, the first fan throws a punch at Blount.

It’s unclear from the video if the punch connects; Blount says it did. In any case, it’s at that point where Blount has to be wrestled into the locker room.

That scene of an out-of-control Blount having to be manhandled to keep from going into the stands certainly contributed to the decision to suspend him for the year. Now, he’s lost his senior season and, some say, his chance at an NFL career.

What’s wrong with people?

We all know "fan" derives from "fanatic," but the over-identification that some have with “their” team never ceases to amaze me. These Broncos backers — only on the scene because they paid to be there — acted as though they were personally victimized by Blount’s fist.

While Oregon suspended Blount for the season, the school preserved the player’s scholarship and his opportunity to practice with the team. Blount would be wise to embrace both the academics and the practice. He has something to learn from the situation, and something to show — his audition for the 2010 NFL draft starts now.

Houk, whose need to gloat served as a trigger to the nastiness, also has something to learn from whatever internal discipline Peterson has imposed.

And the yahoos?

The only discipline they face is the embarrassment of the video of them going Neanderthal — that’s assuming, of course, they’re capable of embarrassment. The way they acted — at their age — makes one wonder.

Contact Jim Gordon at

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