Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bob, stop it ... you're killing me ...

Ready for a good laugh? No, I mean a REALLY good laugh ...

Take a look at what Oakland A's manager Bob Melvin said about his team's signing of two-time drug cheat Manny Ramirez:

“He can be a great example with his work ethic,” Melvin said. “We have some young kids and, who knows, maybe something will rub off.”

Well, yes, something could rub off — an illegal substance, perhaps; a bit of his selfish personality, maybe. They can learn how to feign injury, certainly.

Work ethic?

Earth to Bob: this is the same guy a former manager — Terry Francona, who knew him well — called the "worst human being he'd ever met."

Say, "Maybe his hitting will help us." Say, "Maybe the kids can look at his mechanics and patience at the plate." But "He can be a great example with his work ethic?"

You've just lost all credibility, Bob ...

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