Thursday, August 4, 2011

Just asking

They say, “set a thief to catch a thief?”

But do you set a coach with a drinking problem to rehabilitate a player with a drinking problem?

You do, if you’re South Carolina.

Tuesday, head coach Steve Spurrier reinstated quarterback Stephen Garcia, recently suspended for the fifth time in his Gamecock career. Most incidents have involved alcohol.

Watching over Garcia will be quarterbacks coach G.A. Magus.

If that name sounds familiar, it’s probably because of Magus’ recen
t arrest for allegedly urinating in the street outside a Greenville, S.C. bar.

According to the police report, Mangus was urinating on the curb and roadway. When officers questioned Mangus, he appeared "unsteady on his feet and he had a strong odor of alcoholic beverage coming from his person.”

The report said that Mangus’ eyes were dilated and glazed over, his speech was slurred and “he was uncooperative in proving straight answers.”

He was scheduled to appear in court Aug. 26. Like Garcia, Magus had been suspended. Like Garcia, on Tuesday, he was welcomed back to the fold.

“We insist that those in the athletics department who work with our student-athletes on a daily basis are held to a higher standard of conduct,” athletic director Eric Hyman.

Is not getting blasted and not urinating in public really considered a “higher standard” at South Carolina?

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