Thursday, September 9, 2010

I don't know ... human nature?

Why is it that “adults” in college athletics so often talk the importance of kids — their players — being accountable for bad behavior, yet so rarely hold themselves to that standard?

Witness Kansas Athletic Director Lew Perkins, who Tuesday suddenly retired 12 months early. Why?

Well, one might infer it has to do with a year of controversy and embarrassment involving a ticket scam allegedly run by members of his staff. Five of his full-time employees and one part-time consultant have been implicated.

One could infer that, and one certainly would like to ask Perkins about it. Unfortunately — but not surprisingly — Perkins didn’t make himself available to reporters.

Neither did university chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little. Keep that in mind the next time someone at KU talks about athlete “accountability.”

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