Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tough days in Trojan-land

How bad is it these days for the University of Southern California Trojans?

Their world-class football coach jumped ship.

Their world-class football program might be looking at major sanctions — thanks to the reported sticky fingers of Reggie Bush and his family.

Their want-to-be-world-class basketball program has had sanctions leveled on it by the school — thanks to the alleged sticky fingers of O.J. Mayo. And more sanctions — courtesy of the NCAA — may be on the way.

Now the Trojans’ troubles are coming by way of a ... graduate student manager.

In a game last week at Oregon, Stan Holt took it upon himself to start jawing with the officials. How bad was it? According to official Bobby McRoy, Holt was “was screaming obscenities at him.”

Not surprisingly, McRoy took umbrage, and gave Holt a technical foul. The Ducks made two free throws, beginning a 13-3 run that turned a two-point game into a rout.

Also not surprisingly, after the game Holt was fired by Trojans coach Kevin O’Neill, who reportedly had warned Holt about yelling with the refs before.

Asked to comment by the Los Angeles Times, Holt refused comment, “except to say he is working on a statement to release to the media.”

And undoubtedly on a script for his own reality show.

I have a feeling the Trojans’ next manager will be told that whenever he feels an urge to jaw with the ref, stifle it — and go pickup some towels.

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